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Remedies To Remove Acne Scars Naturally

1. Lemon Juice for acne scars


Lemon is a natural bleach. Vitamin C in lemon helps in rebuilding collagen.
Lemon juice is an excellent skin lightening agent. It is the acid in lemon juice that helps brighten your skin
and make the scars less visible.Not only scars, if you have swollen pimples, lemon juice can help reduce its redness too.

You will need:

Lemons- 2 tsp
Honey or milk (optional) -1 tsp
Cotton ball


Squeeze the lemons to take out the fresh juice in a bowl.
Add the honey or milk to this lemon juice and mix well.
Dip the cotton ball in this mixture.
Now apply this mixture with cotton ball to whole of your face or the area where you have acne scars.
Leave for about 10-15 minutes.
Wash off with water and pat dry.
Do this once every day for at least 2-3 weeks.

2. Turmeric

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Turmeric power helps to get rid of acne scars and pigmentation on skin. It lightens and brightens the complexion.

You will need:

Turmeric powder
Milk / rose water / lemon juice


Take 2 tsp of turmeric powder and 2 tsp of milk.
Mix it well and apply it all over your face or even affected area.
Leave it for 20 minutes.
Wash your face with cold water and pat dry.
Do this 4-5 days in week for about 3 to 4 weeks.

3. Honey


Honey is a popular natural ingredient that can help to reduce acne scars. Honey also adds natural glow on face.

You will need:

Honey -2 tsp


Take 1 teaspoon of honey and apply it all over onto the affected area.
Apply it in a circular motion.
Leave it for 20-30 minutes and after that wash your face with cold water.
OR leave it overnight and Wash off in the morning.
Do this everyday for about 2-3 weeks.

4. Baking Soda


Baking soda is yet another popular remedy, the gentle coarse granules of soda mixed with water remove the dead skin layer off your face without any inflammation caused during the application.

You will need:

Baking soda- 2 tsp
Water / lemon juice- 1 tsp


Mix Baking soda and water to form a paste and apply onto the affected areas.
Leave it for 15 minutes.
Then massage lightly for 1 minute.
Wash will water and apply moisturizer.
Repeat the process 3 4 times a week for about 4 weeks.

5. Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera helps in regenerating damaged tissues boosting the healing process to remove acne scars. It nourishes the skin and brightens the complexion.


Apply the aloe vera gel onto the affected area daily twice a day for 3-4 weeks.

6. Olive oil


Olive oil is a great source of iron as well as vitamins. Olive oil is also rich in anti-oxidants.


Take a little olive oil and gently massage on the affected areas.
Massage for a few minutes till the time you can feel that all the oil has been absorbed by your skin.
Now take a clean towel or cloth and drape it into warm water.
Put the warm wet cloth on to your face to get the steam.
Wipe away the excess oil gently with the cloth. Don’t rub though.
Wash off your face with normal water.

7. Fenugreek Seeds


Fenugreek seeds contains powerful antioxidants helpful in treating skin issues like even complexion, acne scars,etc.

You will need:

Fenugreek seeds- 2 tsp
Water- 2 cups


Take a small pan over medium heat and dd 2 cups of water and fenugreek seeds.
Let them boil for few minutes and then grind them into glue.
Store this glue in a cool area or store it in the refrigerator.
Apply small portion of this glue on your acne scars.
Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash your skin with cold water

NOTE: DO NOT leave it for more than 15 minutes.

8. Raw Tomatoes


Tomatoes removes acne scars and adds glow to the skin.


Take a ripe red tomato and cut it into pieces.
Crush the pieces to make a pulp of the tomato.
Apply this tomato pulp on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes and then wash off your face.
Do this daily for 2-3 weeks.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant that makes it a good natural antiseptic.

It also balances the pH level of your body and of your skin.

You will need:

Apple cider vinegar- 1 tsp
Water- 1 tsp


Mix apple cider vinegar and water
Dip the cotton ball in it and apply this to your acne scars.
Leave it for 5-10 minutes and then wash it off with water.
Do this once daily for about 3-4 weeks.

All the above remedies for acne scars are good but there are some that will be more suitable for your skin type.

 Find out them by experimenting with each and every remedy for scars.
Have patience and treat your scars with these remedies and you will definitely get rid of your acne scars by the above remedies you adopt for your acne scars!


  1. Useful tips to clear the acne. I will definitely give it a try coming weekend.


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